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Wholesaler Registration

Please email with your business name, address, phone number, and retail license number if applicable. You will receive a reply within 5-7 business days.


Raindrops Wholesale Application FAQ

We are currently accepting most retail applicants. Please make sure that you are currently registered as a re-seller with your local government organization. (For example, California applicants should have a re-seller’s permit number from the CDTFA.) You’ll need to submit your re-seller permit number during registration.

We’re happy to work with non-salon retailers. Our list of retail partners includes aesthetic beauticians, make-up artists, beauty goods retailers, and other non-salon stores.

You can sell Raindrops on your own website, but not major marketplaces. (Amazon, eBay, etc.) This may change in the future.

You will have total personal support from a nationally recognized brand recommended by hair care professional all over the world. Raindrops consistently make the holiday shopping list of sites like Refinery29, inStyle, Elle, and Vogue. You will receive personal service regarding any technical or customer service inquiries. We stand by Raindrops products with factory guaranteed warranty. We will be rolling out new Raindrops Retail Partner Initiative in early 2019. Retailers will receive marketing materials, literature, and performance-based incentives. Stay-tuned!

After you are registered as a retail partner, you will have access to wholesale pricing through Simply log in and complete your purchase as you would any other website. is powered by Shopify, which is rated Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. All your payment, password, and personal information is guaranteed to be safe and secure.

If you would like additional questions answered, please click the “?” icon on the bottom of your screen to get in touch. We offer live-chat support from 9:00AM PST to 5:00PM PST, Monday to Friday. You can choose to request a call-back the same way, just let us know in the live-chat.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods